July 2022

July was such a great month for Do Good! We partnered with Grace & Mae Boutique and launched our summer lunch program for local kids!  We realized LM didn’t have a summer lunch program this year so we wanted to do something. Every Wednesday from 11-1pm we had a drive through at the MAC where families could pick up a bag full of snacks and a yummy lunch! We served hundreds of families over the next few weeks! 

Remember Jaxson? Well he finally got that swingset installed and is loving every minute of it! His mother said his PT/OT has seen some significant improvements already from just climbing up the ladder all day long! We can’t recommend the Recreations Outlet in Milford enough, Pete was amazing to work with and really helped us make a difference! 

We held our workshop where we packed back to school backpacks for foster children in our area. We were able to pack 20 brand new backpacks full of supplies. We dropped them off with Warren County Children services. 

We also collected donations for the tornado victims in Goshen, Ohio and dropped off toiletries and gift cards to Goshen High School. We participated in the Maineville 4th of July parade where our girls threw out candy from the back of Will’s big ol pickup truck! And lastly we welcomed Katie Pokopac with Creating Joy to our studio. She started her summer session drawing camps for pre K and school age kids! It’s been a big hit so far! 

As busy as July was, we were just getting started! We have our biggest event yet, Party @ The MAC coming in August and we are just praying for good weather!


August 2022


June 2022